Players born in 2016 and 2017
Girls Teams Coaches
Team Navy - Scott Willis
Team Red - Adam Nelson
Boys Teams Coaches
2 sessions per week May 27 - August 25
Day and time coming soon!
League Games
Will participate in a Region 3 Mini League. Occasional travel to other associations in the Fredericton and surrounding area on weeknights will be required. (1 game per week).
Provincial Championships
August 22-24, 2025
Location: TBD
Required Equipment
- Ball glove
- Batting helmet with cage
(preferably Red, Navy or Black)
- Fielder's mask
- Ball pants (females black pants, males white pants) - for games
What to Wear to Practice?
- T-Shirt
- FFA Ball Hat (provided)
- Sneakers or Cleats
- Athletic shorts or pants